When an amazing community supports you...
The week since the launch of "Betty the Yeti's Disappointing Day" and the multi-dimensional literacy project Storytime Lane as been busy, and so very rewarding. We've almost sold our entire first shipment of books (100 hardcovers and 100 softcovers), with friends, families and work places snapping them up like hotcakes.

What has also been amazing is the various bricks and mortar booksellers who have agreed to stock our books, even though we are first-timers and self-published! Both Graham Davidson and I have been incredibly touched and proud of how our local community is stepping up and really wanting to assist us in any way they can.

To date we have our books available in the following stores around the Newcastle and the Maitland areas:
MacLeans Booksellers in Hamilton
Harry Hartog in Green Hills and Kotara
Dymocks in Charlestown Square
The Hunter Artisan Gallery & Cafe in Melbourne Street East Maitland
Comic Games Entertainment in the Maitland Mall
So right now I'm feeling incredibly grateful and pleased with how it's all going.
Peace out!
Emily S. Smith