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Aunty Em visits the Starlight Room at John Hunter Hospital

Sometimes in life, you get an offer too good to refuse. Aunty Em was lucky enough to be invited to the John Hunter Hospital's Starlight Room as part of the Starlight Week celebrations. Aunty Em got to meet several of the amazing Starlight Captains, including Captain Silly-Billy, Captain Yee-ha, and Captain Dotty. It was a beautiful morning that started with a bit of relaxing colouring-in and lovely chats with the beautiful children who dropped in, followed by an always entertaining Storytime Lane storytelling session by Aunty Em. (There was even a bit of "singing" and "ukulele playing", although the level of talent displayed by Aunty Em during this was questionable. The children were still very kind and encouraging throughout).

At the end of Storytime, Captain Silly-Billy interviewed Aunty Em for Starlight TV. He asked her about Storytime Lane and what it's like to write stories, as well as for hints and tips for young children who want to write. All in all, it was a brilliant morning at a brilliant place with very special people. Who could ask for anything more?

Aunty Em and Captain Silly-Billy

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